Every weekday, PR Daily associate editor Alan Pearcy highlights the day’s most compelling stories and amusing marginalia on the Web in this, #TheDailySpin.
While some might argue that 140 characters are hardly enough to convey a message, countless others on Twitter think the cap on letters and spaces is the ideal muzzle for the longwinded. Either way, the social network could use some improvements beyond character count. Social Media Today proposes the three missing links on Twitter.
[Read: Hashtag fails: Why they work, and why they fail]
Speaking of Twitter, Yahoo News reports that over the long weekend the site’s members appeared infatuated with the forgotten rappers and dance moves of yesteryear. It seems like just yesterday that I learned to 2 Step.
Completely unrelated (but worth noting in case you picked up this phrase over the weekend): It was just yesterday that I learned the meaning of “second hand swagger,” which Urban Dictionary defines as “swagger that you get because either you are with someone that’s got swag” or from borrowing their clothes and/or accessories. And that concludes our vocabulary lesson for the day.
Popeye’s has a grammar lesson of its own for you. To promote the return of its Rip’n Chick’n, the fast-food chain created a plug-in that replaces all “ing” endings within the text of a Webpage with “n” using any browser.
Meanwhile, marketers would be wise to replace their marketing distractions with a focus on word of mouth, particularly in this heyday of social media. According to The New York Times, sites like Fab.com are pioneering a new approach to social retailing and what it can do for sales.
It’s too early to tell what Tuesday’s launch of Samsung’s Galaxy 3S throughout Europe and the Middle East means to global Apple sales, but analysts predict the new smartphone is sure to challenge the iPhone market.
As for the ice cream market, it seems there’s never a shortage of new flavors, but what about our timeworn favorites—what happens to them when they’re killed from grocers’ freezers? To answer that, NPR takes us on a trip to Ben & Jerry’s “Flavor Graveyard.”
Not sure whether you’d have the gumption to kill off your consumers’ favorite flavors? Perhaps you simply need to bolster your mental toughness for the business. OPEN Forum is out to help you do just that, and in just two minutes.
Procter & Gamble certainly had its mettle tested after coming under fire recently for its brightly colored Tide Pods that many believe were enticing kids to eat them, perhaps confusing the detergent capsules for candy. P&G has announced that it will create a new double-latch lid to help prevent children from getting ahold of the Pods.
I won’t prevent you from seeing Mashable’s gallery of extravagant Instagram pics by the rich and famous. From a private jet to a backstage stocked with champagne, it’s enough to make anyone sitting in their cubicle green with envy.
Photoshop gurus are probably envious of Instagram. Not because of those lavish star photos, though. Advertising Age explains the “digital ‘truth’” behind why no one seems bothered by images overtly edited using the rising photo sharing app, but when it comes to other airbrushing software, it’s a problem.
by (author unknown)