Tampiri Irimagha-Akemu has about 15 years experience in Government, Oil & Gas, Logistics and Non Profit Management sectors. Her multi sector experience includes Organizational Development, Capacity Development, and Public Relations & Communications for various organizations; Total E & P Nigeria, Orlean Invest West. Africa, UNDP Regional Project and successfully managed executive broad-based consulting projects. Tampiri concluded an EMBA from CEIBS (ranked top 10 International Business school by Financial times) specializing in Entrepreneurship & Innovation, BA in Foreign languages and literature, and a Certificate from GIBS (Gordon Institute of Business Science). She is a Global Affiliate of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR), has several professional certifications in HR - ACIPM, SHRI, Quality (ACQI) and Management (CMI) and a volunteer business consultant for a UK based Charity Organization, mentor to young entrepreneurs and Co- founder Sickle Cell Society Ireland – Nigeria. Board committee member Women in Successful Careers (WISCAR ) an NGO focused on developing women to build a better nation and mentor for W.I.N with WISCAR mentoring program.
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Thank you very much Sesema PR for your time, dedication and
professionalism. You did a very good job!
professionalism. You did a very good job!