2015 - 2016
  • PIND is a Nigerian non-profit foundation that supports the socio-economic development programs for the Nigeria-Delta region. SPR was hired to coordinate balances stories about economic growth in the Nigerian Niger delta region and PIND’s role in the mix.

About The Niger Delta Development Forum - The NDDF envisions a Niger Delta where all persons that are economically active are able to generate income and employment unhindered by constraints from within and outside the market system. The forums are catalytic information sharing and collaboration opportunities for government, private sector, and civil society organizations pursuing approaches for equitable economic growth in the Niger Delta. For many participants, the NDDF provides a platform to connect with other partners to collectively pursue improved development policies and practices in the Niger Delta. Forums take place in the United Kingdom, United States and Nigeria, and are organized by the Niger Delta Partnership Initiative (NDPI). Foundation and its sister organization, the Foundation for Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta (PIND).

  • Public affairs: Sesema enlisted national, regional and specialized media platforms to engage stakeholders of the Niger delta region in narratives around economic, infrastructural and inclusive growth of the Niger delta region.
  • We also made maximum use of digital and broadcast media platforms to draw attention to the Niger delta development forum” organized by PIND